
My main motivation is to obtain more visibility for women in our professional lives as implantologists.

My main motivation is to obtain more visibility for women in our professional lives as implantologists.

Lecture experience

organized ITI Study Club as ITI Study Club Director since 2011
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English, Spanish, German, Flemish and French language


Cavalcanti R., Franch F., Adriaens L., Venezia P., Perez J. Alternativas de tratamiento en dehiscencias no tratables. Periodoncia Clinica nº 14 ‘Cirugia Mucogingival sobre Implantes’ published in May 2019.


Heimisdottir K., Adriaens L., Pjetursson B.E. Abrir o cerrar espacios con ortodoncia en caso de agenesia: unas directrices para la coordinacion del equipo dental. Periodoncia Clinica nº 6 ‘Periodoncia y Ortodoncia’ p. 58-65, published in October 2016.


Franch Chillida F., Adriaens L., Serino G. Terapia de mantenimiento en implantes de pacientes con o sin historia de enfermedad peri-implantaria.Periodoncia Clinica nº 1 ‘Enfermedades periimplantarias’ p.59-67, published in March 2015. 


Adriaens L.M., Alessandri R., Spörri S., Lang N.P., Persson R.G. Does pregnancy have an impact on the subgingival microbiota? Journal of Periodontology, 80(1):72-81, 2009.



Adriaens L.M., Aglietta M., Pjetursson B.E., Salvi G.E. Gli impianti nel piano di trattamento parodontale e protesico. (in Italian) Il dentista moderno. March 2007 p. 28-39.          


Adriaens P.A., Van Asch M., Adriaens L.M. Maxillary ITI implants placed in combination with sinus mucosa elevation. Journal of Dental Research, Proceedings 83rd General Session I.A.D.R. USA, March 2005.


Adriaens P.A., Adriaens L.M. Effects of non-surgical periodontal therapy on hard and soft tissues. Periodontology 2000, 36: 121-145, 2004.


Adriaens P.A., Adriaens L.A. A 10-year retrospective analysis of complications encountered with ITI Dental Implants. (in French). Le Point, 180: 18-22, 2004.

Adriaens L.M., Van Asch M., Adriaens P.A. Analysis of the causes for Failure of ITI dental implants. Journal of Dental Research, Proceedings 82nd General Session I.A.D.R Hawaii, March 2004.

Adriaens P.A., Van Asch M., Adriaens L.M. Alveolar bone preservation (ABP) at tooth extraction simplifies implant installation. Journal of Dental Research, Proceedings 82nd General Session I.A.D.R Hawaii, March 2004.

My habitude and philosophy as a doctor

“ As a dental professional, we challenge everyday expectations of our patients, so I think we should establish an opportunity for discussion so we can reach success together.“



English, Spanish, German, Flemish and French language


Closed session ‘Presenting the Women Implantology Network (WIN) and its evolution since 2016’ for new ambassadors of WIN in Iberia organized in Madrid.

Spain, April 2019.

Moderator at the ITI Iberia Annual Meeting during the session ‘Desafios actuals en implantologia’ with Dr. Luca Cordaro and Dr. Mario Roccuzzo in Porto.

Portugal, March 2019.

Oral presentation ‘Cirugia mucogingival en combinacion con tecnicas regenerativas para el manejo de las recesiones gingivales’ at the Colegio Oficial de Dentistas de Baleares in Palma de Mallorca.

Spain, February 2019.


Oral presentation ‘Alternativas de tratamiento en deshicencias no tratables’ at the Simposio Europeo SEPA SIdP in Bilbao.

Spain, November 2018.

Oral presentation ‘Manejo restaurador del paciente periodontal @ enfoque conservador’ at the SEPA Klockner Meeting in Madrid.

Spain, October 2018.

Oral presentation ‘What is the current knowledge about peri-implantits treatments especially in partially edentulous patients with or without a history of periodontitis?’ at the Chinese Stomatological Association in Nanjing.

China, April 2018.

Oral presentation ‘How to apply mucogingival surgery to obtain aesthetic results when implants are in play?’ at the First ITI Education Day in Chengdu.

China, April 2018.

Oral presentation ‘Cirugia mucogingival en el recubrimiento radicular. Nuevas modificaciones’ at the SEPA Annual Meeting in Sevilla.

Spain, April 2018.

Presenting ‘Who represents the Women Implantology Network (WIN) and what are our initiatives’ at the Expodental in Madrid.

Spain, March 2018.


Oral presentation ‘Como utilizamos las diferentes disciplinas en odontologia para mejorar la sonrisa del paciente?’ at SEPA Joven in Valladolid.

Spain, November 2017.

Oral presentation ‘Es necesario la aplicacion de preservacion alveolar para la obtencion de resultatos esteticos en el sector anterior? Si versus no’ at the ‘Universidad del Pais Vasco in Bilbao organized by the University and ITI.

Spain, June 2017. 


Oral presentation ‘Enfoques en el tratamiento de la peri-implantitis’ at the ITI Iberia Annual Meeting in Madrid.

Spain, April 2015.


Oral presentation ‘Enfoque multidisciplinar de la planificacion prostodoncica y quirurgica’ at SEPA Joven in Santiago de Compostela.

Spain, November 2014.

Oral presentation ‘Peri-implant mucositis’ at the II SEPA Dentaid Symposium in Madrid.

Spain, March 2014.

Oral presentation ‘Regeneracion periodontal’ at the University of Murcia organized by Straumann in Murcia.

Spain, January 2014.


Oral presentation ‘Curso Avanzado de Periodoncia para higienistas’ organized by Dentaid in Palma de Mallorca.

Spain, October 2013.

Oral presentation Enfoques en el tratamiento de la peri-implantitis’ at the ITI Study Club in Bilbao.

Spain, June 2013.


Oral presentation ‘Tratamiento de las complicaciones biologicas de los implantes – peri-implantitis’ at the ‘Actualizacion en implantologia’ Course in Barcelona.

Spain, November 2012.

Oral presentation ‘Cirugia mucogingival: Actualizacion de las tecnicas quirurgicas’ at the ITI Study Club in Barcelona.

Spain, September 2012.

Poster presentation ‘Clinical and radiological outcomes of early loaded implants in partially edentulous smokers versus non-smokers: 1 year results’ at  the Europerio 7 Meeting in Vienna.

Austria, June 2012.

Oral presentation ‘Tratamiento de las complicaciones biologicas de los implantes – peri-implantitis’ at the Clinica Vigoperio in Vigo.

Spain, January 2012.


Oral presentation ‘Peri-implantitis’ at the 1st Balearic ITI Study Club in Ibiza.

Spain, November 2010.

Oral presentation ‘Rehabilitación de un paciente periodontal con implantes’ at the ITI Iberian Section Meeting in Granada.

Spain, February 2010.

Oral presentation ‘Disinfection and filling of the root canal with the conventional technique and the thermoplastic gutta-percha technique’ at the Colegio Oficial de Dentistas de Baleares in Palma de Mallorca.

Spain, January 2010


Oral presentation ‘Jornada de actualización en implantologia’ organized by the ITI Iberian Section in Palma de Mallorca.

Spain, March 2009.

Oral presentation ‘Supportive periodontal therapy for the management of patients susceptible to periodontal disease and treated with implant therapy, clinical protocols’ at the Europerio 6 Meeting in Stockholm.

Sweden, June 2009.

Oral presentation ‘Peridontal surgery for the general dentist’ at the Colegio Oficial de Dentistas de Baleares in Palma de Mallorca.

Spain, September 2009.

Oral presentation ‘Non-surgical therapy in periodontal patients: clinical cases’ at the Benelux Section Meeting organized by the International College of Dentists in Eindhoven.

The Netherlands, November 2009.


Poster presentation ‘Does pregnancy have an impact on the subgingival microbiota?’ at the Annual Meeting of the I.A.D.R. in Toronto.

Canada, July 2008.


Poster presentation ‘Analysis of the causes for failure of ITI dental implants’ at the Annual Meeting of the I.A.D.R. in Honolulu.

Unites States, March 2004.